Lifespan recycling expertise is certified by the most rigorous industry standards and audited regularly to ensure professional care of your retired IT products. At every stage of our process, we take care to minimize carbon footprint, pollution and toxic waste.
Parts in good working condition are refurbished.
Unusable components are separated to yield clean commodities
Plastic, steel, aluminium, copper and precious metals are turned into 100% recyclable products
You receive a Certificate of Recycling that certifies title transfer and full compliance with all environmental regulations.
Lifespan provides IT Asset Disposition services for all IT products found in the business environment:
Desktop Computers (including keyboard, mouse and wiring)
Mainframe computers and components
Storage Media
Monitors (CRT and LCD )
Printers, Scanners, Drives and Modems
Routers and Switches
Handheld Devices
Telephones (Mobile or Cellular Hardware)
Telecommunications equipment (switch-gear, switches and relays)
Fax Machines
Mass Storage Arrays
Tape Libraries
Point of Sale Equipment
Networking Hardware (Switches, Routers and Hubs)
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