Security Culture

Incorporating security awareness into your company culture is important for building security maturity and influencing positive results. A well-put-together security culture boosts a business or organization’s overall security position. It also encourages IT and end-users to collaborate in detecting malicious activity that could lead to a security attack.

Security awareness and training are pertinent for preventing cyber-attacks on a business or organization. An initial attack could be something as simple as an employee clicking on a suspicious link or attachment that could lead to a data breach.

What is Security Culture?

“A security culture is a set of beliefs and values ingrained in an organization that result in all employees behaving and operating in a way that promotes cybersecurity. A strong security culture recognizes that security is everyone’s job — not just IT’s,” (Matt Warner, Tech Target, 2021).

Elements of a good security culture for organizations:

  • Align overall business goals with security.
  • Promote the importance of security, rather than viewing it as an obligation.
  • Promote security best practices from the top down.
  • Encourage critical thought, not blame and punishments, when issues arise.
Importance of Security Culture

Establishing a strong security culture takes time, effort and practice. A good security culture is typically embedded within an organization and requires long-term commitments and perpetuation.

Four ways to implement a positive approach to security culture and build security maturity within your business or organization are of the following:

  1. Avoid complacency and optimize for success.
  2. Educate and encourage your employees.
  3. Reward good security behaviours.
  4. Evaluate security tools with maturity in mind.
Lifespan and Security Culture

At Lifespan, we believe a strong ITAD partner and processes as part of our client’s security culture is critical in minimizing security attacks or incidents. Our team offers a consultive and custom approach to developing ITAD processes that are part of creating a positive security culture and goes beyond just IT practices.

For more information about Security Culture, read this article by Tech Target.

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