Lifespan is thrilled to hear that just over a month ago the Fair Repair Act was passed in New York. This is the first state in the United States to pass an electronics Right to Repair bill.
“Everyone in NY is going to benefit from this landmark legislation. We’ll all be able to fix the stuff we like, stop being forced to buy new things we don’t want, and it will be possible for the secondary market to provide quality options for reuse,” (Right to Repair, 2022).
This bill will provide the equipment owners with the ability to repair cell phones, tablets, and IT equipment. This is just the beginning for Right to Repair, as they hope to continue to pass this bill in more states while advocating their goal, “To advocate repair-friendly policies, regulations and statutes, and standards at the national, state, and local levels,” (Right to Repair, 2022). In addition, their movement also contributes positively to minimizing the global electronic waste problem.
To learn more, read this Right to Repair article.