Electronic Waste and the Circular Economy

The Right to Repair issue is of great importance and relevance to us and that is why we’ve joined The Repair Association! Their mission is to fight for our right to repair. Whether you’re an individual or a company if you own a product you should have the right to repair, modify, or use the device as you require.

As a company that provides services globally we’re knowledgeable about international developments that impact the Right to Repair movement. One crucial aspect of the movement is it’s impact on the environment. As we continue to consume an increasing amount of electronic devices, it’s important we don’t just throw away our older devices every time we trade up. Repair and reuse is key to solving this issue of e-waste which is an issue that the UK has just put back into the limelight.

“The Environmental Audit Committee re-launched an inquiry into Electronic Waste and the Circular Economy on Friday 13 March. This inquiry will explore how the UK could reduce its environmental impact, create economic opportunities and maintain access to critical materials by better managing and minimising its e-waste.”

UK Parliament

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